Notion AI connector for Jira

Connect Notion AI with your Jira site to seamlessly bring in information from your projects, issues, and tasks 🎟️

Hinweis: Notion-KI-Connect ist für Nutzer/-innen mit einem kostenpflichtigen Plan derzeit ohne zusätzliche Kosten verfügbar, wobei wir uns Preisänderungen vorbehalten.
To connect Jira to Notion AI:
You must be a Jira admin and Notion workspace owner.
You must be on a paid Notion plan.
You must have the Notion AI add-on.
To connect Jira to your Notion workspace:
In Notion, open Notion AI at the bottom of your screen and click on
→Connect Jira
. You can also go toSettings
→ theWorkspace
tab and clickConnect
. You'll be taken to Jira. Don't close Notion during the setup process!A page to the Jira Marketplace for the Notion AI application should automatically open. Install the Notion AI application and select the Jira site that you’d like to connect.
Once the installation is complete, return to Notion. You'll see this on your screen.
Check connection
The connection can take up to 36 hours to complete. You can manage the connection by opening Notion AI at the bottom of your screen and clicking on •••
→ Connect Jira
→ Settings
Does the Jira AI connector support filters?
No, the Jira AI connector does not support dashboards or filters at this time.
I connected the wrong Notion workspace. How can I disconnect my Jira site?
Workspace owners can disconnect or edit projects after the initial integration is complete by clicking on •••
→ Connect Jira
→ Settings
How long does it take for the integration to complete?
Setting up the integration can take up to 36 hours depending on the size of the Jira site.
How long does it take for new content from Jira to reflect in Notion AI?
We will start indexing new data as soon as 30 minutes and can take up to 36 hours for full indexing.
Can I limit the scope of my search to only Jira?
Yes, absolutely! In the Notion AI entry point, click Find in
to toggle between Everything you can access
, Notion
, and Jira
Can everyone in the Notion workspace access information from Jira?
Members in a workspace will only have access to retrieve information from Jira if they have access to the Jira site. If additional permissions are set on a project or issues level, users will only be able to ask questions to those that they have access to.
How far back in Jira can I ask questions about?
The integration will be able to find Jira projects, issues, and tasks going back a year.
Does Notion AI respect existing Notion AI permissions?
Absolutely. Notion AI will honor existing permissions according to our existing Notion AI Security Practices. Users will not be able to generate content or receive responses based on resources they do not have access to. Specific to third party content, Notion AI is handling both private and public content with security in mind, only ingesting content according to the permissions mapping between Jira and Notion users.
How does Notion AI handle permissions mapping?
Notion AI for Jira maps Jira members to Notion members. The user must be both a Jira and Notion member to authenticate this app at the user level. Every hour, we periodically sync permissions from Jira and update the permissions in Notion.
How is Notion storing or referencing my Jira data in its systems?
Similar to our core Notion AI Q&A product, we store create and store embeddings in a vector database hosted by Turbopuffer, which powers the ability to provide responses to questions that leverage third party content (like in Jira). Turbopuffer has been vetted by our security team as well as an external auditor to obtain their SOC2 Type II certification. Learn more about Turbopuffer’s security here →