Who’s who in a workspace

hc: who's who in a workspace hero
Neste artigo

Learn about the different kinds of people in a workspace 👥

A Notion workspace can have several types of users or roles:

  • Members

  • Guests

  • Workspace owners

  • (Enterprise Plan only) Membership admins

Read on to learn more about each type of user.

Members are individuals in your company or organization. These could be colleagues at the same organization or people who read, edit, and comment on a lot of the same pages in a workspace.

Members can be added to workspaces on the Free Plan at no charge. Workspaces with more than one member will be able to use up to 1,000 blocks in that workspace. If you want unlimited block usage on the Free Plan, you’ll need to make sure your workspace only contains one person. To do this, you can avoid adding new members, remove existing members, and add any collaborators as guests. You can learn more about this here →

On paid plans, you’ll pay for each member that’s added to the workspace.

Guests are individuals external to your company or organization who you invite into your workspace on a page-by-page basis. For example, guests could be:

  • People who have a different organization email domain.

  • Contractors or interns who are working with you temporarily.

  • Clients who you want to provide feedback on your work.

  • Friends, family, or mentors that you want to have contribute to or review your work.

Guest limits

Unlike members, guests are free to invite to your workspace as long as you stay within your plan’s guest limit. If your workspace is above this limit, any new users that you share content with will be automatically added as members and not guests if they have the same organization email domain.

To ensure you’re adding users as guests and not members, you’ll need to remove existing guests so you’re below your limit, upgrade to a plan with a higher limit, or work with our sales team (for eligible customers).

Guests vs. members

Guests share many capabilities with members, except:

  • They can't be given workspace-wide access. They must be invited to individual pages in order to view them and their sub-pages.

  • They can't create new pages outside of the ones they have access to.

  • They can't be added to groups of members.

  • They can't adjust workspace settings or billing information.

  • They can't add new members to your workspace.

  • They can't add new integrations to your workspace.

Workspace owners are admins who can manage workspace settings, delete a workspace, and manage other workspace owners, admins, members, and guests. Every workspace has at least one owner. Members can be turned into workspace owners.

Membership admin is a role that exists only in the Enterprise Plan. Membership admins can add or remove members from workspaces or groups, but they don’t have the ability to change workspace settings. Members in an Enterprise Plan can be turned into membership admins.

To change a member or guest’s role in a workspace, a workspace owner or a membership admin can:

  1. Go to SettingsPeople or Members (depending on the plan).

  2. Go to the Members tab or the Guests tab.

  3. Open the dropdown next to the member’s role or the guest’s pages.

  4. Select Workspace owner, Membership admin, or Member. If you’re turning a guest into a member, select Convert to member.

To remove a member or guest from a workspace, a workspace owner or a membership admin can:

  1. Go to SettingsPeople or Members (depending on the plan).

  2. Go to the Members tab or the Guests tab.

  3. Depending on the plan and who you’re trying to remove:

    • Open the dropdown for a member’s role, then select Remove from workspace.

    • Select ••• next to a member, then select Remove from workspace.

    • Open the dropdown for a guest’s pages, then select Remove.


  • Quando o membro de um espaço de trabalho é removido, perde imediatamente o acesso ao espaço de trabalho, e as páginas da seção Particular na barra lateral esquerda ficam ocultas. Se você convidar esse membro para voltar ao espaço de trabalho, suas páginas particulares voltarão a ser exibidas.

  • Se um usuário tiver saído e retornado a um espaço de trabalho nos últimos 30 dias, as suas páginas particulares, as páginas compartilhadas, sua participação em grupos e espaços de equipe serão restauradas após seu retorno.

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