Build a team wiki in Notion

Whether you share an office or not, it's important to have a central place where your team can find important information about the company - from benefits and vacation policy, to tribal knowledge specific to one team. We'll show you how to build a team wiki from scratch, and a few best practices along the way.

소요 시간: 7분

  • You can easily create a beautiful team wiki using Notion.

    • Such a wiki serves as a central repository for all important team information.

  • To achieve this, create a new page from your workspace, add sub-pages, and organize them under specific headers.

    • Add dynamic links to other pages, and customize your page with your company logo and cover photo.

    • Inside the page, you can add different types of content, including callouts, a table of contents, and embed files from other tools.

    • Lock your page to other people on your team from making accidental edits, and quickly mention team members to keep the page up-to-date.

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