
hc: blocking hero
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With Notion Calendar, you can easily let people see when you are or aren't available 🚫

Have a doctor’s appointment that you don’t want a teammate to schedule over? Notion Calendar’s blocking features make it easy to block events across your various calendars. For example, Notion Calendar can put a block on your work calendar for an event you have on your personal calendar, so people know you’re busy without being able to see your personal commitments. You can block single events or auto-block whole calendars.

Block an event or an entire calendar

On desktop or web:

  1. Right-click an event and select Block on calendar.

  2. Select the calendar you want to create a block in.

  3. To create a block for a single event, select This event. Alternatively, you can select All events from {calendar name} to set up auto-blocking. For example, if you are creating a block on your work calendar for an event on your personal calendar, you can synchronize the two calendars so that all future events from your personal calendar will be blocked on your work calendar.

  4. Choose to Include details from the original calendar event in the block, or simply Show as busy. This will apply to future blocks if you choose to auto-block.

캘린더 블록에서 공유한 세부 정보를 확인하려면 원래 이벤트를 마우스 우클릭하고 캘린더에서 블록을 선택하세요. 블록이 설정된 캘린더 옆에 🔒  아이콘이 표시되며, 잠금이 열려 있으면 이벤트의 세부 정보가 공유되었음을 의미합니다. 잠금이 닫혀 있으면 이벤트의 세부 정보가 숨겨져 있다는 뜻입니다.

또는 왼쪽 사이드바에서 캘린더 이름 옆에 있는 눈 모양 아이콘을 선택하여 원본 캘린더를 보이지 않게 숨길 수도 있습니다. 이 경우, 다른 캘린더에서 해당 블록을 찾아 세부 정보를 확인할 수 있습니다.

You can remove blocks the same way you created them. Right-click a blocked event and unselect the calendar where the block lives. You can unblock a single event, or turn off auto-blocking by unblocking all events.

You may want to undo auto-blocking for a calendar that you no longer have access to. We’re working to improve this experience, but in the meantime you can reach out to [email protected].

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