Page icons & covers

In Notion, your docs don't need to look bland. Add an icon to any page to make it easier to find later, or even upload your company logo!

소요 시간: 2분

  • Add icons and cover photos to Notion pages to make every page unique, and turn a text-heavy document into something more digestible.

  • Click on the default image next to the page title to add an icon.

    • Select emojis or icons in the menu. If you’re uncertain about which one to pick, use the Random button.

    • Alternatively, upload your own icon to match your brand image—a company logo, for example.

  • Inside the page, click on Add cover, then on Change cover to decide on your own cover photo.

    • Either choose an image in our Gallery, upload your own file, paste an image link, or use a cover photo from the Unsplash repository.

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