Creating and organizing your reading list using Notion: A step-by-step guide

Practice the art of creating and organizing a reading list in Notion with our step-by-step guide. Learn how to add your favorite books and articles, and keep your reading materials neatly organized. Start streamlining your reading habits today!

소요 시간: 6분

  • Notion can help you neatly keep track of the content you want to read, listen to, or watch.

  • You can build your reading list from scratch, or select an pre-built template from our template gallery.

    • A Notion reading list is a dynamic table with properties such as dates, select menus, text, and links to classify each entry.

    • Apply filters to your database to make better sense of your entries. For instance, you could decide to only view the things you haven’t read yet.

  • Use Notion’s web clipper to directly add content to the reading list from your browser.

    • The web clipper doesn't just grab the page URL; it also collects all the text and images from the webpage.

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