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Latwy automatically syncs your financial transactions and balances to Notion. Thousands of financial institutions are supported in the United States and Canada. Once you connect a financial account, historical transactions are automatically fetched and pushed to Notion. New transactions are then synced each day, giving you a clear view of your personal finances in Notion without needing to manually enter data.

Our personal finance template is designed to work with Latwy. If you have a paid Notion plan, our template includes multiple charts that allow you to quickly view your spending and balances. You can also hook up Latwy to Zapier, Make, or any other automation platform using Notion's webhook automations. This allows you to sync with Google Sheets, send yourself a message when a new transaction is posted, or connect with thousands of other apps.

How to use

1. Sign up for Latwy. You do this by logging in with your Notion account on the Latwy website.
2. During the sign up process, make sure to duplicate our template. This should be the default option.
3. Start your 30-day free trial.
4. Connect one or more financial accounts.

Once you connect your financial accounts, Latwy will begin syncing historical data and listening for new transactions. Each day, any new transactions will automatically be synced to Notion. You can then customize our template however you want.

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