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Atlassian Rovo


Atlassian Rovo helps teams quickly discover knowledge across Atlassian and third-party SaaS apps with less time and effort.
- Team up with a Rovo Agent: Rovo Agents are virtual teammates that tackle specialized tasks with you
- Stop searching and start doing: Find what you are looking for in no time and get immediate answers to any question.
- Instant insights as you work: Chat with Rovo as often as you need to get up to speed on teams, goals, projects, and more.

How to use

1. Purchase Atlassian Confluence
2. In Atlassian Admin Center, Select "Products" -> "Add Product" -> "Rovo"
3. In Atlassian Admin Center, Click "Settings" -> "Rovo" -> Select the "..." next to the rovo enabed confluence site -> "Add Connector"
4. Authorize with Notion Account
5. Navigate to rovo enabled Site URL
6. Navigate to the full page search search
7. Search with Notion Filter for your documents

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