Discover the best organizations and individuals from every walk of life, building amazing things in Notion.Zekna
I build Notion templates that make organizing fun and easy. From daily plans to big projects, my goal is to help you work smarter and keep things simple.
17 templates
Lenny Rachitsky
Author of Lenny's Newsletter, the world's most popular product/growth newsletter
4 templates
6 templates
Nica of The Seeker Society
Obsessed with maximizing Notion. I only put out templates I myself will use and am proud to share to others. Have a look around! ☀️
12 templates
I help you and 7000+ others through personal systems that blend productivity with strategy.
22 templates
Stuart Sharpe
I am a builder of things and connector of people. I use Notion everyday for my recruiting business to better support my team and customers. The tools we use should simplify our life, not complicate it. Check out some of the templates I've built for myself to do just that!
6 templates
The Preferred Job Application Tracker
We are three friends with experience in PR, sales, and operations. We are taking what we’ve learned along the way and applying it to templates and products that will hopefully make things easier and add value to your life.
2 templates
Con The Notioneer
An Aerospace Engineer who aims to construct the most useful Notion templates for business and personal use. I have used Notion for a few years and want to teach and help others in using the app and getting the most out of it!
17 templates
DannyyTv von
Ich bin Danny, ein leidenschaftlicher deutscher Notion Creator. Bei helfe ich dir, das volle Potenzial von Notion auszuschöpfen.
24 templates
Mochi Productions
Hi! I build Notion templates, develop websites, and shoot photos and videos for fun! I hope to help others organize and better their lives through Notion!
8 templates
Sev Estil
I help creative agencies land clients, deliver high-quality work, and achieve a better work life by identifying their core offers, mapping out processes, and streamlining workflows through Notion Systems and Automations. Notion and Certified. Email me for custom work.
16 templates
Anthropic is the AI safety and research company behind Claude — the frontier model used by millions of businesses and consumers for its emphasis on safety and performance.
1 template
Soy Carito Ruiz
Ayudo a los emprendedores a hacer más dinero diseñando las estrategias de marketing y ventas para sus negocios.
3 templates
안녕하세요! 사용자 경험(UX)을 최우선으로 생각하는 노션 UX 디자이너, 노션너굴입니다. 반복 작업이나 불필요한 기능은 이제 그만! 저는 기록에 집중할 수 있는 효율적이고 직관적인 노션 템플릿을 제공합니다. 복잡한 설정은 제가 해결하니, 메모와 목표 달성에만 집중하세요. 더 자세한 내용은 노션너굴 블로그에서 확인해보세요! 🧠
12 templates
Braelyn | Systems For ADHD
Hey there, I’m Braelyn! My mission is to support ADHD individuals and business owners in finding clarity, calm, and peace through organization!
10 templates
Hi, I am a solopreneur building Notion templates to make your life easier with well-organized productivity systems. My Notion templates are trusted by 8000+ customers worldwide.
28 templates
I love and learn Notion everyday. Designing systems that are both efficient and beautiful.
1 template
Kira Klaas
These are the real frameworks I’ve used over 10+ years of operating brands at growing startups and tech companies. I share templates for branding, marketing, design, and leadership—plus some for fun!
17 templates