Reading Journal/Library Page

Currently read space, Up next space, Integrated gallery with all the books you read/are reading/will read, Author databases, Book series' space, Upcoming releases, Yearly recaps and goals!


Keep track of all the books you read, are reading and want to read, all in one place!

The template is fully connected and automated, facilitating your control over everything you read, including:

Currently reading space, with up next books so you can see your priorities and paused books.

A monthly recap space, so you can see everything you read and are reading in the current month.

An yearly goals page to set books and pages goals and see your progress during the year, with a new tracker that tells you how behind/ahead you are!

A fully integrated book list so you can see everything you read, want to read, and didn't finish.

A book series page to keep track of all your series, see your progress and check your favourites.

An authors page so you can see your favourite authors, the most read, check how many books and book series they have, and blacklist those you'll never read from again.

A genre page so it's easier to find the book you are in the mood for!

An upcoming releases page so you can track your anticipated books and sync with Notion Calendar!

最終更新: 2 か月前




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