UI/UX & Design Workflow Tracker
Über diese Vorlage
The UX/UI Design Workflow Tracker template is designed to help track design tasks, feedback, and issues with a clear structure. It includes three key pages. The Design Task Tracker allows designers to track task name, status, priority (1-10 scale), impact on design (1-10 scale), and due date. A formula combines the Priority and Impact on Design scores to calculate an overall Task Priority Score:
Formula = Priority Score + Impact Score.
This score helps prioritize the most critical tasks.
The Design Feedback Tracker gathers feedback with columns for feedback description, source, category, severity (1-10 scale), and status. The Severity Score is calculated to determine the urgency of feedback items:
Formula = Severity Score.
The Design Issues Tracker logs issues with details such as issue name, severity level, status, and related task. The Severity Score formula is used to calculate how critical the issue is:
Formula = Severity Level.
This template ensures that high-priority tasks, feedback, and issues are efficiently managed and addressed.