Reading and book tracker
Über diese Vorlage
Hello! Here is the book tracker I use to keep track of what I have read and the progress I have made towards my reading goal. Once I start a book I use this template by putting the name of the book, the author, when I started it, page count, genre, and significant tropes or characteristics (such as if it is part of a series or is a standalone book) in the appropriate boxes. Periodically I will update the progress bar by putting the percentage of how much of the book I have read. Once I am done with the book I will check it complete, put the date I finished it, give the book a rating out of ten, write my thoughts on the book, and write out my favorite quotes from the book. I will also click the plus button on the books read tracker to update my counter. I find that this really helps me process what I read and also recognize patterns in what I like or dislike. Happy reading and I hope you can make it your own!