Play Tracker for Actors

This play tracker template was designed specifically for stage actors to not only track and organize all the plays you read, but save and sort monologues you want to use for future audition/showcase purposes.
Über diese Vorlage

This play tracker template was designed specifically for stage actors to not only track and organize all the plays you read, but save and sort monologues you want to use for future audition/showcase purposes.

In this template you'll find:

A comprehensive play tracker to track reading progress, make priority and wish lists, rate scripts, and more!

A hub of playwrights whose work you've read and enjoyed.

A place to categorize plays by genre, style, etc.

A monologue tracker to save and categorize any monologues that stuck out to you while reading.

Room to write reflections on plays and monologues.

And an archive – to look back on plays you've read.

This template was made primarily with input from working stage actors in the New York City theatre industry, but can easily be utilized actors at all stages of their careers.

Any questions? Feel free to e-mail me at before purchasing.


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