My Uni Dashboard

A university dashboard including module pages and a witchy thesis planning page.
Über diese Vorlage

A simple university dashboard with a module gallery and a calendar showing term dates, deadlines, and exams. It also includes the Notion grade calculator and has space where the user is encouraged to paste useful links from their institution.

The dissertation template is Medea-themed and is best suited to literature students. The main page has space for jotting down questions for your supervisor and a to-do list. The Notes/Plan page is intended for writing down ideas, playing with structure etc. The Primary Sources page includes databases for storing lists of texts and quotations. The two quotations databases are related so that you can keep track of important allusions. You can also add tags and filter by theme. The Secondary Reading page has a similar database but you can record whether you have read a text, its bibliographical details, and where to find it.


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