Meeting Notes Tracker

Never lose your meeting notes again with this meeting notes tracker
Über diese Vorlage

Store, manage and refer back to all your meeting notes in one place with this template.

Here's what's inside:

Meeting Notes Database:
- forget bits of paper, different apps, different devices and wasting hours of time. The Meeting Notes Tracker provides a single location where you can schedule meetings, invite others, write agendas, provide online links, collaborate and so much more.

Quick Actions:
- add new meetings with ease, tag meetings that need preparation and use different views

- create your own meeting note templates (taking inspiration from the example included) to save time in future...

Set up Instructions

You'll never be lost! Just check out the easy to use step by step instructions to add this template to your workspace and set it up for your circumstances, so you can get started asap.

Usage Guide

Every part of the database is explained and you can customise it to suit your needs.


Mehr von Andy Gaught

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