Penpal tracker ♡

A place to keep track of the status of your penpal letters; the dates when they/you sent the last letter and how long they’re waiting on their letter (this calculates automatically). ♡
About this template

Welcome to this penpal tracker, where you can keep track of the status of the letters; the dates when they/you sent the last letter and how long they’re waiting on their letter (this calculates automatically). Add more information or notes when you on click open by the names.

Name: Name of your penpal
Username: Instagram username of your penpal
Status: Current status of the letter
OTW since: Date your penpal sent their letter
Last sent: Date of the letter you sent last
Last received: Date of the letter you received last
Days Waiting: Days since you received the last letter of your penpal

You can remove the preview rows and add your own, all template names and usernames are fictional.


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