Medical School Y5 Workspace (Notes!)
About this template
This workspace has been developed based on the University of Edinburgh’s medical school curriculum.
In Year 5, we cover the specialties:
- Breast
- Dermatology
- Ear, nose & throat (ENT)
- Haematology
- Obstetrics & Gynaecology (Obs & Gynae)
- Ophthalmology
- Orthopaedics
- Oncology
- Palliative
- Paediatrics
- Psychiatry
- Renal
- Urology
“Core Diseases and Disorders” contain a list of conditions that commonly show up in exams & are useful to know about. The notes for these are organised the following format using toggles: pathophysiology, signs/symptoms, investigations, management.
“Core Content/Science” is the most flexible of pages, with general information on the relevant anatomy, physiology, tips on history taking and examination, etc. that was mentioned in the lectures that we deemed important to record.
“Core Treatments” contains management information that we recommend revising in more detail. Of course, there's notes on management for each of the 'core conditions', but in this page, you'll find more information on drug mechanisms, adverse effects, how a procedure is actually performed, etc.
Some pages also include “core presentations” and “core investigations.” Most of this will be covered in the “core diseases and disorders” toggles, but some specialties require a more in-depth understanding of certain investigation procedures & how to approach a certain presentation, so that's where we recorded that information.