Camping planning and organization

A small but handy template for organizing a camp/hike/trip. Serves both as an informational page for participants and tool for planning. This template has tables to calculate provision and appoint those responsible for equipment and purchasing provisions.
About this template

The template consists of a starting page with several blocks of usful information. The main functionality is contained in Tables block, it will be described below.
This template solves the problem of organazing a camp or a trip with a lot of participants. It helps to quickly recalculate the amount of food needed, based on the current status of the participants, and not to forget to take all needed stuff.

# Blocks of starting page

D A T E S — dates of your trip / link to calendar event
P L A C E — link / geotag / screenshot of the place or route of your camping.
T A B L E S — that is the core of this template, the main databases that help you plan your camping
I N F O R M A T I O N — here you can place any links and pages that you find useful for your camping.

# Tables

1. Participants. Place every person that is goint camping here. There is a Main table that all information about people: the tent they use, their responsibilities, meals they will have, and whether they have car with free seats or not. The views Tents and Cars are handy to organize sleeping places and tranportation possibilities. The Responsibilities view shows what person is responsible for
2. Tools. This table can be populated with the data of what tools you need to get with you to your trip. There are alse view to see who of partisipant is responsible for taking tool with him.
3. Provisions. Stores and calculates needed products based on how many people are going to eat given meal.
4. Meals. That is the database where you can plan meals. Connect needed provisions here and people that are going to eat this meal and voila, the needed amout of provisions is calculated!

Be free to add more blocks than you need: trip plan, expenses table, and so on!
I will be happy to hear any feedback for possible improvements!

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