October 15, 2020

Better keyboard, trackpad & mouse support for iPad 🐭

Using Notion on iPad just got a lot easier! If you use an external keyboard, trackpad or mouse with your iPad, you can now:

  1. Use all the same time-saving keyboard shortcuts from our desktop apps

  2. Select multiple blocks of content at once

  3. Click & drag to rearrange content blocks, or selections of multiple content blocks

Coming later: making it possible to select multiple content blocks on mobile without a mouse or trackpad. We're on the case!

Bug Fixes & improvements

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Allow duplicate as template and Search engine indexing toggles from working for some users

  • Fixed a bug that caused the Save button to be missing from the Share Sheet on some iOS devices

  • Fixed a bug that caused Web Bookmark links to fail on some iOS and iPadOS devices

  • Fixed a bug that prevented some users from uploading photos and videos on iOS devices

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the page from scrolling to the top when the status bar was tapped if the page was currently being scrolled through on an iOS device

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