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Our All-Time Favorite
The template is great for us because it lists all of the stories at once under the same layers, essentially meaning I can have the same template for every single one of them, including a lot of the properties. Good for autism and organizing >:)

-Mal · 1 de fev. de 2025

this is so good!!!
its rly good and helped me write my story a lot i love it

anonymous · 20 de dez. de 2024

Very detailed and in depth!
Personally for me it seems a bit overwhelming with the amount of stuff. However, it does help me organise my ideas and lets me know on things I need to add to my stories still as sometimes I don't directly create stories first from their beginnings but rather sometimes the characters or even the climax of the story already.

Aki · 8 de dez. de 2024

Absolutely perfect
This template is the most helpful writing tool I've seen in years. Easily customizable, in-depth, and meticulously crafted. It functions as a way to keep notes, flesh out stories and characters, or as a scratchpad for little thoughts. I've recommended it to two fellow writers and they are just as obsessed as I am :)

Olive Albino · 8 de dez. de 2024

so useful!!
this template is extremely details and covers areas of my story i hadn't previously considered when starting it, thank you!

Erin Rotheram · 29 de nov. de 2024

Mais modelos como este

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