Simple Task and Project Planner
Sobre este modelo
Welcome to the **Simple Task and Project Planner**. My goal here was to create a template that checks the boxes for task, project and notes management, but does it in a clean, simple way. Notion is a wonderful tool with lots of power, but it can be overwhelming if you are new to the product and still learning what it can do for you. My hope here is to develop a planner that allows for showcasing some of the features of the tool without getting lost in too much functionality, much of which you might not use at this stage in your understanding of Notion. I also have people like myself in mind (those with ADHD) that get distracted by too many ‘bells and whistles’ and lose sight of their goal in using Notion. I do plan to use this a an entry level planner for Notion, and build out advanced functionality in the future for those who wish to go down that path.
In order to **make this as simple as possible**, I developed this to make it is as informative as possible by:
- minimizing the number of databases (3) and pages (4 including this one)
- putting comments on database views and property fields that can been viewed through hovering over
- avoided creating properties that are very rarely used
- following a simple process for managing tasks, projects and notes without too much clutter
You will notice that each of the main sections (Task, Project, and Notes Management) is under a toggle to keep the main page uncluttered and not requiring scrolling down within the main page. There are also ‘Quick Actions’ buttons on the side to allow for creation of Tasks, Projects, and Notes on the fly. Included in the side bar is a 1Scratch Pad’ for random capture thoughts/ideas/tasks that you can drag into the tables, copy and paste, or delete if need be. There is also a smaller toggle at the bottom for the databases and pages.
Note that there are a handful of automations (created date, completed date); it is my understanding that if you have a free Notion account you will be able to keep those automations in the template, but not be able to add to or modify them. Paid accounts will have no restriction on them.
I have taken the liberty of developing sorts, groupings, and views that I think are important to the process; however, this template has been built to allow for flexibility, so you can change and update as you see fit - it won't break it (if it does let me know!)