Link previews 🔗

Create dynamic previews of GitHub PRs, Slack messages, Jira issues & more

See up-to-date information from other tools, all inside your Notion workspace. Now when you paste a link from Jira, GitHub, Slack, Trello, and Asana, you can turn it into a dynamic preview — either as an inline mention or as its own block. We'll be adding support for many more tools soon; this is just the beginning!

Bug fixes & improvements

  • For new API features & improvements, go to

  • Most timestamps now display as relative times (i.e. "10 hours ago" or "Yesterday" instead of "November 1, 2021 11:05:24 AM"), and will display the full timestamp when you hover with your cursor

  • Fixed a bug that caused page titles, headers & database properties to overlap each other for some Safari users

  • Fixed a bug that caused inline mentions of pages with SVG icons to show up as broken images

  • Fixed a bug that caused formatted text from Notion comments to be pasted as plain text

  • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect formatting when pasting italic text from Gmail and other apps

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the ⋮⋮ block handle from fading away while typing

  • Fixed a bug that prevented shift + return from working property in iOS 15

  • Fixed a bug that caused notifications to sometimes open the wrong page on iOS

  • Fixed a bug that caused the keyboard to appear when adding or closing an image on iOS

  • Fixed a bug that caused CSV imports to be missing rows for some users

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