Tasks with Time record
템플릿 설명
### Task Time Tracking
1. **Planned Time Usage (PlanTimeUse)**:
This is the estimated time you allocate for a task. When creating a task, you can set an expected completion time, which will serve as your time management benchmark.
2. **Start Time (StartTime)**:
When you begin working on a task, record the exact date and time. This will be used in comparison with the end time to calculate the actual duration of the task.
3. **End Time (EndTime)**:
Once the task is completed, record the exact date and time of completion. This, along with the start time, will be used to calculate the actual duration of the task.
4. **Actual Time Usage (ActualTimeUse)**:
This is the actual amount of time spent on the task. If the task is not yet complete, you can manually enter additional time, or it can be automatically calculated after the task is finished.
### Formula Application
1. **Calculating Actual Time Usage**:
Using Notion's formula capabilities, you can create a formula to automatically calculate the actual time usage of a task. If an end time is present, the formula will calculate the difference between the start and end times and add any additional time. If no end time exists, the formula will use the planned time plus any additional time.
if(prop("EndTime"), dateBetween(prop("EndTime"), prop("StartTime"), "minutes") + prop("ExtraTime"), prop("PlanTimeUse") + prop("ExtraTime"))
This formula first checks for the presence of an end time. If it exists, it calculates the time difference between the two timestamps and adds any extra time. If no end time is present, it will use the planned time plus extra time.
2. **Calculating Hours**:
To convert the actual time usage into hours, you can apply another formula. This formula will divide the actual time usage by 60 to convert minutes into hours and then round down to the nearest tenth to get a clean representation of hours.
floor(prop("ActualTimeUse") * 10 / 60) / 10
This formula multiplies by 10 and divides by 60 to convert minutes into hours, then uses the `floor` function to ensure the result is an integer, and finally divides by 10 to get a figure with one decimal place representing hours.