Goal Management v2

An easy personal goal management that you can breakdown from 1 yearly to a daily task. Hope it helps!
템플릿 설명

I needed a goal setting and breakdown from my vision to 5 years goal and I only found mostly a project management template. So I created 1 that can breakdown from your Yearly goals to monthly to weekly and finally to daily tasks.
How does it work?
The first landing page is the Dashboard. you will see everything that is active and needs to be done there.
There are 4 main backbone that run this notion. "Main Goal", "Monthly Goal", "Weekly Task", and "Daily Task". it's all connected from Yearly to Monthly, from Monthly to Weekly and from Weekly to Daily Task.
You can create a Yearly Goal then quickly you also can create Monthly Goal within the Yearly Goal page. Also it same as Monthly and Week and Daily.
I hope this will help anyone needed a quick start goal setting.
All the best wish to you!

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평가와 사용자 리뷰

that was amazing
this templet is so great, I hope everyone try it to make your yearly goals more good.

Painter Yasser · 2024년 12월 23일

Made my life easier
As someone who needed this template, but felt a litle lazy to create one this creative, it was a very much needed template.

Michiko Tembo · 2024년 12월 8일

Simple to use and effective
Looked for a time saving template to set-up my "Life by Design" tracker and this template served as a great time saving basis to build on. 😊

Richard · 2024년 11월 28일

Review on goal template
I think it's really good, I like the simplicity of it and that most important things like your vision statement and breakdown of your goals are on top so it's easy to use continuously

Andrew Maksymchuk · 2024년 11월 24일

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