Mood tracker

An intelligent calendar to log your moods, ready-to-use templates for each emotion, personalization tools to match your style, a mobile-friendly version, and tailored tips and routines for every feeling.

This mood tracker lets you monitor your emotions day by day, month by month, and year by year, while easily identifying trends. With its intuitive and visual design, each mood is linked to a color and practical tips to help you make the most of your days. It’s perfect for gaining deeper insights into your emotions and managing them over time. As a bonus, you’ll discover helpful suggestions to boost positive emotions or ease more challenging moments.

What this template will bring you

1️⃣ A visual and organized system : Log your mood daily on a color-coded calendar and quickly spot trends with the help of graphs.

2️⃣ Full customization : Adjust mood colors to your liking with a dedicated customization page and four ready-to-use themes.

3️⃣ Optimized for mobile : A gallery view makes it easy to access your mood tracker seamlessly on your phone.

4️⃣ Practical tips for every emotion : Boost positive feelings or soothe challenging ones with actionable advice, ideas, and routines tailored to each mood.

5️⃣ An overview of your emotions : Use the graph to track your moods over time and see which emotions are most or least frequent.

Transform your daily life with this powerful and inspiring mood tracker, designed to help you better understand and manage your emotions. Add it to your Notion workspace and start tracking your feelings today !


Duplicable and customizable :

This Notion template is duplicable and customizable. When you make your purchase, you will receive an email shortly after. This email will give you access to an interactive PDF. Once the PDF is opened, simply click on the language of your choice and duplicate the template directly onto your dashboard.

Of course, I remain available if necessary by email ([email protected]).

最終更新: 先月

Iasan Designのその他のテンプレート



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