Personal/Family Medical Tracking
À propos de ce modèle
This Template features:
* general tracking of medications by name, group (over 30 kinds!), expiration date, dosage, location, form of taking (7 groups), way of use, for who, side effects.
*daily exams if needed by name, date, hour of exam, blood pressure, sugar level, temperature, ticking boxes to check if you took your medications (morning/noon/evening).
*vaccination tracker by name, who got it, date, who gave the vaccine, phase (one dose only/first/second/third), type (yearly/newborn/health/pediatric), comments.
* doctor’s visits by name, date, type (future appointment, need to schedule, completed), where, specialty (over 25 specialties!), purpose of visit, phone.
* medical history- your own or your family’s by name, conditions, medications, severity (life threatening/mild/none), side effects.
* phone book- to gather in one place important personal in our life by name, relation (doctor/family/friends), address, phone number, email, notes.
* notes- so you won’t forget important stuff you need to write down.
* documentation.