Major Events Program Planning Blueprint
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The Major Event Program Planning Blueprint is a strategic framework for organizing and managing complex, large-scale events. It helps you structure key programs by guiding you through objectives, responsibilities, milestones, and resources, ensuring seamless event execution.
This blueprint includes example content for 35 major event programs, such as stakeholder engagement, risk management, and operational planning, to inspire and guide your own planning process. Additionally, you’ll receive two detailed spreadsheets with further insights, timelines, and tools to help you track and manage your programs more effectively.
It's more than just templates—it's a roadmap to thinking strategically about your event, ensuring every piece of the puzzle fits together smoothly from start to finish.
Template includes two "bonus" spreadsheets that gives you loads of information and insights on completing the programs and projects to your own event project.
+ Bonus Spreadsheet: Major Event Program Planning Cheat Sheet
💎 A comprehensive, easy-to-use tool for better coordination and oversight of all event programs. 🔑 Excel file that is to import to Google Sheets or Numbers for further use 📓 Sheet 1: Event Program Master Plan Template (17 columns, 63 rows) 🏆 33 Major Event Programs that will do for the most major events and information for the following columns.
+ Bonus Spreadsheet: Major Event Master Timeline Planner Template
💎 Complete timeline management tool for planning and tracking milestones, deadlines, and major events. 🔑 Excel file compatible with Google Sheets and Numbers, allowing you to easily edit and share with your team. 📓 Sheet 1: Major Event Timeline Planner Template with rows and columns for efficient timing across multiple years and functions: 📓 Sheet 2: Major Event Timeline Planner Template Month-to-Month