Über diese Vorlage
You will find in this Template:
- Goals Tracker
Set up your major goals for a year and break them down into monthly tasks (in Monthly planning section) to prevent them from slipping away from you. Tick the checkbox and add the accomplished goals into Done section. Hide/show it when you need it.
- Monthly Planner (Kanban system with deadlines and progress tracker)
Split your monthly tasks into even smaller sections and set up deadlines. Track your progress and become more productive! You can hide/show months as needed to make this section convenient for you.
- Everyday To Do List (Kanban system with deadlines and progress tracker)
In this section you can make a to do list for your day and track its progress. Everyday just write down all the tasks you need to do the next day. Don’t forget to check your monthly planner before you do it!
- Everyday Habits Tracker
Here you can add any habits you want to implement in your daily life. This section will help you understand where to focus your attention in order to establish a consistent habit.
- Thoughts & Ideas Section
Here you can write down some thoughts/ideas or make a motivation list! Whatever you need to achieve your goals!
- Books To Read List
Write down a list of books you want to read this year. Tick the checkbox and add the read books into Read section. Hide/show it when you need it.
- Wish List
Here you can add some stuff you want to buy or get as a gift. You can share this page with your friends or family if you want to!