Life organizer - Student

You'll get a zip file of my Notion Template which I have used since early 2020 to organize various aspects of my life including personal productivity, exercises, habits, books, things that resonate with me, and more. Keep what you like and edit or delete what you don't!
Über diese Vorlage

This is a Notion Template that I created in early 2020. I am now a third-year medical student in the United States. This template includes everything I have in my Notion - everything I've created and useful things I've picked up and added from YouTube and content creators.
- PARA Dashboard
- Journal
- Target List
- Fitness
- Habit Tracker
- Recipes
- Personal Finance
- "To Buy"
- Books / Reading List
and that's about it. Those would be what I think are the most useful parts of this for others.


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