Semester Tracker
Über diese Vorlage
Track by semester, you can use this every semester and adjust color according to your liking. It starts by having a weekly, daily, and monthly check in, great for students who have a hard time keeping track of their tasks and prioritizing. It reminds you of multiple important steps for student success. Then you have a table to upload all assignments organized by course, due date, and status (finished, started, not started). Its set to show whats due for the month, but you can remove the filter to show all assignments for the semester. There is a visual to showcase the assignment completion for the semester, great for students who feel motivated by visually being able to see the progress, again you can adjust the setting accordingly. Then you have a list of your courses, along with a chance to reflect during and towards the end of the semester to get the most out of the course. Then you have a table allowing you to organize all your notes by course and a status of revision. Revision means that youve gone back and revised/ summarized/ learned what youve learned.