Online Course Lesson

Very simple page to help create notes for online courses.
Includes a weblink to link to online video.
Über diese Vorlage

Simple page to hold notes and information about a single on-line video lesson.
Includes a summarised list of 'key points' at the top.
You can put a web link to the on-line video in "Lesson Video"
The resources toggle can contain material from the online lesson, pdfs, screenshots etc.
Lesson Notes is there to put your own notes about the lesson.


Bewertungen & Rezensionen

Great Template
This has been very helpful with my online courses! After watching them and saving timestamps, I can turn back and write down important points and notes from the lecture. This way, I am able to commit all the information into my memory.

Özge Berber · 20. Nov. 2024

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