House Inventory
Über diese Vorlage
The template contains tables with information about your devices or furniture
The first part is a database with the most important information: item, brand, serial number, purchase date, purchase date, place in your house. There are several preset views:
All Inventory;
Electronic devices;
Kitchen appliances;
Other things.
When you add an item, type its name in the “Furniture / Device” cell and click “Open”. At the bottom you will see a button “New device” which will add two additional toggle windows:
Remarks - where you can add any other relevant information, e.g. about a warranty period or installments to be paid.
Receipt - here you can paste a copy of a receipt.
The second part “Places” shows where your equipment and furniture is placed. This table has two views:
Board with photos
The third part is a wish list with things you want/need to buy. This is a linked database. When you buy something and check “Bought?” checkbox - this item will automatically show up in House Inventory Table.
You will find the detailed instructions inside the template.