Bubblegum Scholar

This is for all the Pink girlies who love using Notion 💗🎀🩷✨and would looovee tracking their life!
Über diese Vorlage

If you're a student who wants to use Notion to keep track of your student lifestyle, use this simplistic yet pinky 🩷🎀 Student Planner to help manage your student workload and to help you have a better day!

This Notion Student Planner comes in one version

💗Bubblegum and pink-Bear theme

This Notion Student Planner includes:

✍️ 9 unique course pages

📅 Habit Tracker
💰 Budget
💯 Assignments & Exams
📓 Notebook
🗓️ Schedule
🖊️ Study Sessions
🗺️Places to go
🤯 Brain dump
📚 Book Tracker


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